2025-02-28 18:12:46 | 来源: 互联网整理
二. 音节与音节划分知识
1. 音节
以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [ŋ ] [l]例外)。从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元音字母就有几个音节。
2. 音节的划分
① 在重读音节和非重读音节的相邻处有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母组属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节。
② 在重读和非重读音节的相邻处只有一个辅音字母时,如果前面重读音节里的元音是长音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果重读音节里的元音是短音,则辅音字母属于重读音节。
例如:长音 pa-per,stu-dent,fa-ther,ze-ro,mo-tor,far-ther
短音 sev-en,stud-y,moth-er,ver-y,mod-le ,weath-er
3. 重读音节
4. 开音节
① 绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节。
② 相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。
5. 闭音节
单个元音字母后面有辅音字母(r、w、y 除外)且以辅音字母结尾的重读音节。
6. 双音节词重读规则
① 双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。
例如: stu-dent,Chi-na,sec-ond,au-tumn
② 含有a- be- de- re- in- ex- 等前缀的双音节词往往是在第二个音节上重读。双音节词的重读位置不会因增加前缀或后缀而发生改变。
7. 多音节词重读规则
例如: el-e-phant
词尾有-ic 或-tion,-sion 的词,在-ic或-sion,-tion前的一个音节上重读。
三. 英语单词拼读规则
四. 英语拼读发音练习
一.与元音字母 A 相关的单词:
1.[ei] a在开音节中:发字母音,后面有不发音的e
face脸; grade年级;cake蛋糕; lake湖; make制造;take拿到;
snake蛇; name名字; same相同;plane飞机;grapes葡萄;date日期;
Kate 凯特; plate盘子; mane鬃毛;
2.[æ] a在闭音节中:
black黑色的; dad爸爸; sad悲伤的; bag书包; am是;
Sam萨姆 lamp灯; an一(个—);can能; fan电风扇;man男人;and和; hand手; thank感谢; map地图; has有; cat猫;
fat肥胖的;that那个;hat帽子;rabbit兔子 family家庭 camel骆驼
3.[a:] ar组合:
car小汽车;far远的;star星星;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔 market市场 department store百货商店 apartment building公寓;
4.[ei] ai组合;
tail尾巴; rainy下雨的; train火车;
wait等;waiter男服务员; waitress女服务员
5.[ɛə] air组合:
air空气;hair头发;chair椅子 stairs楼梯
6.[ei] ay组合:
way道路,方法; stay逗留
7. [i] ay组合:
Sunday 星期日 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三
Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六
8.[ɔ:] al组合:
9. [ɔ:l] all组合:
all所有的 ball球;small小的;tall高的;wall墙; mall大厅;
call称呼,打电话; fall秋天,跌落
10.[ a:s ]as或ass组合
11. [ɔ] a
wash 洗 what什么 watch看,手表 want 想要
12. [ɔ:] aw组合
paws爪子 draw画
二.与元音字母 E 相关的单词:
1.[i:] e在开音节中:发字母音
be是;he他;she她;me我;we我们; these这些;Chinese汉语;
2.[e] e在闭音节中:
bed 床; red红色的; leg腿; spell拼写; hen母鸡; then那么;
when什么时候; pen钢笔; ten十; dress女裙; let让;
3.[iə] ere组合;
4. [ɛə] ere组合
there 那儿;where哪儿
4.[i:] ea组合;
sea 海洋;tea茶;peach桃子;teacher教师;read读; please请; eat吃;meat肉;seat座位; beak鸟嘴 dream做梦 leaves树叶
5.[e] ea组合;
head头;bread面包;feather羽毛; weather天气;
6.[iə] ear组合:
ear耳朵; dear亲爱的; hear听见; near在……附近
7.[ɛə] ear组合:
8.[ə:] ear组合:
early早; year年;learn学,学会
9.[i:] ee组合:
bee 蜜蜂; three三; tree树; see看见; need需要; week周,星期;feel感觉; green绿色;thirteen十三; sheep绵羊; sleep睡觉;
feet脚(复数);meet遇见; feed喂养
三.与元音字母 I 相关的单词:
1.[ai] i在开音节中:发字母音
hi 喂; I我; ice冰;nice好的;rice米饭;ride骑;beside在—旁边;
bike自行车; like喜欢;time时间;fine(身体)好; nine九;
white白色的; write写; kite风筝; five五;drive驾驶
inside在……里面 outside在……外面
2.[i] i在闭音节中:
which 哪一个;chick小鸡;sick病的; big大的;pig猪;milk牛奶;
him他; swim游泳; in在—里面; begin开始; sing唱歌;
pin红色;drink喝;ship轮船; is是; his他的;this这个;
fish鱼; Miss女士; it它; sit坐;six六
3.[ə:] ir组合:
bird鸟; shirt(男)衬衫; skirt短裙 sir先生
girl 女孩 circle圆圈 thirty三十 thirteen十三 thirsty渴的
四.与元音字母 O 相关的单词:
1.[əu ] o在开音节中:发字母音
go去;no不;so这样,这么;phone电话机;those那些;close关闭;nose鼻子; rose玫瑰花 home家 rope绳子 hole洞
2.[ɔ] o在闭音节中;
clock钟; dog狗; on在—上面; long长的; song歌曲;
shop商店; stop停止; hot热的; not不; donkey驴 hop双脚跳
orange橘子 ostrich鸵鸟 rock岩石
3. [Λ] o
mother妈妈 brother哥哥,弟弟 come来 some一些 other其他的
stomach胃,肚子 Monday星期一 monkey猴子
4.[ɔ:] or组合:
or 或者;for为了;short短的,矮的;forty四十; horse马; store商店
5.[əu ] oa组合;
road 路; boat小船; coat上衣; goat山羊; soap香皂
6.[u: ] oo组合;
too也;zoo动物园;cool凉的;school学校;room房间;moon月亮;afternoon下午; spoon汤勺; kangaroo袋鼠
7.[ u ] oo组合:
8、[au] ou组合:
cloudy多云的; house房子; mouse老鼠;about大约;
mouth嘴; blouse女式衬衫 mountain大山
10、[au ] ow组合:
cow母牛; how怎样,多少; now现在; brown棕色的;
down向下 flower花
11. [əu ] ow组合:
slow慢的; know知道;
五.与元音字母 U 相关的单词:
1.[ ju: ] u在开音节中发字母音
excuse 原谅;use使用;
2.[Λ] u在闭音节中:
much 很; jump跳; run跑; sun太阳; up向上; cup小茶杯;
but但是 bus公交车; umbrella雨伞; hundred百; cut剪,切;
mum妈妈;under在……下面; underline在……下面划线;
number数字; understand理解 truck卡车
trunk象鼻 hug拥抱 duck鸭子
3.[ə: ] ur组合:
nurse护士; turn轮流; hurt伤,疼; fur皮毛
六. Y 与 I 的发音相似
在开音节中读[ai ]
sky天空; fly飞; July七月; my我的; try试,努力;
why为什么; eye眼睛; bye再见
第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:c-a ca a-t at
第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-g dog
第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-er sweater
1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds). 其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。
2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等.
3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.
4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音, 后边一个元音不发音,如: make, made, sea, five, nine, road等等.
5. 第五步, 是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如: bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如: ghost,comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和\”h\”联在一起的发音: ch, sh, th, wh。
6. 第六步,是特殊读法:
单音节词,以元音结尾, 这个元音发字母音. 如: me, hi, go 等等
Irregular: ar (car), ay(hay, may, say), igh (high, night, might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur(burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy(boy), ow等有其特别的发音.\”c\” 和 \”k\” 在一起时, 发一个音: quick, black等.
a , e, i , o, u, a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e
Aa : mat map bag cat hat fan bat apple
Ee: egg well red pen net hen bed bell
Ii: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill
Oo: ox on octopus box sock operate ostrich
Uu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under
cape name tape lake game make take hate
these Japanese Chinese
bite five nine kite mine nice ride side
rose nose rope note pose home rode those
tube cube June cute huge
ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, ie, igh, oa, ow, ui, ue
ai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maid
ay: bay ray way say hay pay May lay
ee: reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teeth
ea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea
ey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolley
ie: tie pie lie die
igh: right sight night tight hight fight high sigh
oa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soap
ow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low
ui: suit juice fruit
ue: Sue blue glue true
ar, er, ir, ur, or
ar: arm car armchair card cart farm park garden
er: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker mother
ir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girl
ur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurse
or: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork
ou, ow, oi, oy, au, aw, oo, oo, ea
ou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouse
ow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower
oi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coil
oy: oyster boy cowboy soy toy
au: august sause sausage naughty autumn applause
aw: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawn
oo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolish
oo: book cook good foot look hook
ea: head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather feather
ch, sh, wh, ph, th, th, kn, wr, mb
ch: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherry
sh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovel
wh: whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheel chair whisper
ph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabet
th: brother feather leather father mother
th: thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teeth
kn: knob knee knife knock knit
wr: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath write
mb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb
bl, fl, pl, cl, gl, br, cr, gr, pr, fr, tr, dr
bl: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hair
fl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flower
pl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plant
cl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown
gl: glove globe glass glue glasses glider
br: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother
cr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissant
gr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandma
pr: prixe price prawn press prince princess pray
fr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frame
tr: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolley
dr: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink
sm, sn, sl, sw, sp, st , sc, sk, all, ew, y
sm: smile small smell smoke smooth
sn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snack
sl: slow slap sleep slide slope sled
sw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweat
sp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spell
st: stockings store star stamp storm stick student stand
sc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoop
sk: skunk skis skirt skates
all: call tall fall ball wall
ew: dew few view hew new nephew newspaper
y: sky fly dry spy type shy cry my
Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby
Tongue twister
1.A big black bear sat on a big black bug.
2.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!
3.Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.
4.A fat cat catches a mad rat.
5.Blue glue gun, green glue gun.
6.Black background, brown background.
7.A noisy noise annoys an oyster.
8.A good cook can cook good cookies.
9.At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool.Oh! How cool, how cool.
10.The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.
11. Betty better butter Brad\’s bread.
12.Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
13.The first is the first.The third is the third.The third can be the first, The first can be the third.
14.Sir, this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first, but the third.
15.A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, \”Let us fly!\” Said the fly, \”Let us flee!\” So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
16. I wish you were a fish in my dish.
17.Jean\’s three sheep are near the green jeep.
18.There are thirty -three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird\’s throat.
19.Neither father nor mother likes this weather.
20.It’s a goat,sitting in a boat,wearing a coat and writing a note.It’s a bear,sitting on a chair,holding a pear and combing its hair.It’s a cock,sitting on a rock,wearing a sock and looking at a clock.It’s a fly,wearing a tie,holding a pie and waving good bye.
二. 音节与音节划分知识
1. 音节
以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [ŋ ] [l]例外)。从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元音字母就有几个音节。
2. 音节的划分
① 在重读音节和非重读音节的相邻处有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母组属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节。
② 在重读和非重读音节的相邻处只有一个辅音字母时,如果前面重读音节里的元音是长音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果重读音节里的元音是短音,则辅音字母属于重读音节。
例如:长音 pa-per,stu-dent,fa-ther,ze-ro,mo-tor,far-ther
短音 sev-en,stud-y,moth-er,ver-y,mod-le ,weath-er
3. 重读音节
4. 开音节
① 绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节。
② 相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。
5. 闭音节
单个元音字母后面有辅音字母(r、w、y 除外)且以辅音字母结尾的重读音节。
6. 双音节词重读规则
① 双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。
例如: stu-dent,Chi-na,sec-ond,au-tumn
② 含有a- be- de- re- in- ex- 等前缀的双音节词往往是在第二个音节上重读。双音节词的重读位置不会因增加前缀或后缀而发生改变。
7. 多音节词重读规则
例如: el-e-phant
词尾有-ic 或-tion,-sion 的词,在-ic或-sion,-tion前的一个音节上重读。
三. 英语单词拼读规则
四. 英语拼读发音练习
一.与元音字母 A 相关的单词:
1.[ei] a在开音节中:发字母音,后面有不发音的e
face脸; grade年级;cake蛋糕; lake湖; make制造;take拿到;
snake蛇; name名字; same相同;plane飞机;grapes葡萄;date日期;
Kate 凯特; plate盘子; mane鬃毛;
2.[æ] a在闭音节中:
black黑色的; dad爸爸; sad悲伤的; bag书包; am是;
Sam萨姆 lamp灯; an一(个—);can能; fan电风扇;man男人;and和; hand手; thank感谢; map地图; has有; cat猫;
fat肥胖的;that那个;hat帽子;rabbit兔子 family家庭 camel骆驼
3.[a:] ar组合:
car小汽车;far远的;star星星;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔 market市场 department store百货商店 apartment building公寓;
4.[ei] ai组合;
tail尾巴; rainy下雨的; train火车;
wait等;waiter男服务员; waitress女服务员
5.[ɛə] air组合:
air空气;hair头发;chair椅子 stairs楼梯
6.[ei] ay组合:
way道路,方法; stay逗留
7. [i] ay组合:
Sunday 星期日 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三
Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六
8.[ɔ:] al组合:
9. [ɔ:l] all组合:
all所有的 ball球;small小的;tall高的;wall墙; mall大厅;
call称呼,打电话; fall秋天,跌落
10.[ a:s ]as或ass组合
11. [ɔ] a
wash 洗 what什么 watch看,手表 want 想要
12. [ɔ:] aw组合
paws爪子 draw画
二.与元音字母 E 相关的单词:
1.[i:] e在开音节中:发字母音
be是;he他;she她;me我;we我们; these这些;Chinese汉语;
2.[e] e在闭音节中:
bed 床; red红色的; leg腿; spell拼写; hen母鸡; then那么;
when什么时候; pen钢笔; ten十; dress女裙; let让;
3.[iə] ere组合;
4. [ɛə] ere组合
there 那儿;where哪儿
4.[i:] ea组合;
sea 海洋;tea茶;peach桃子;teacher教师;read读; please请; eat吃;meat肉;seat座位; beak鸟嘴 dream做梦 leaves树叶
5.[e] ea组合;
head头;bread面包;feather羽毛; weather天气;
6.[iə] ear组合:
ear耳朵; dear亲爱的; hear听见; near在……附近
7.[ɛə] ear组合:
8.[ə:] ear组合:
early早; year年;learn学,学会
9.[i:] ee组合:
bee 蜜蜂; three三; tree树; see看见; need需要; week周,星期;feel感觉; green绿色;thirteen十三; sheep绵羊; sleep睡觉;
feet脚(复数);meet遇见; feed喂养
三.与元音字母 I 相关的单词:
1.[ai] i在开音节中:发字母音
hi 喂; I我; ice冰;nice好的;rice米饭;ride骑;beside在—旁边;
bike自行车; like喜欢;time时间;fine(身体)好; nine九;
white白色的; write写; kite风筝; five五;drive驾驶
inside在……里面 outside在……外面
2.[i] i在闭音节中:
which 哪一个;chick小鸡;sick病的; big大的;pig猪;milk牛奶;
him他; swim游泳; in在—里面; begin开始; sing唱歌;
pin红色;drink喝;ship轮船; is是; his他的;this这个;
fish鱼; Miss女士; it它; sit坐;six六
3.[ə:] ir组合:
bird鸟; shirt(男)衬衫; skirt短裙 sir先生
girl 女孩 circle圆圈 thirty三十 thirteen十三 thirsty渴的
四.与元音字母 O 相关的单词:
1.[əu ] o在开音节中:发字母音
go去;no不;so这样,这么;phone电话机;those那些;close关闭;nose鼻子; rose玫瑰花 home家 rope绳子 hole洞
2.[ɔ] o在闭音节中;
clock钟; dog狗; on在—上面; long长的; song歌曲;
shop商店; stop停止; hot热的; not不; donkey驴 hop双脚跳
orange橘子 ostrich鸵鸟 rock岩石
3. [Λ] o
mother妈妈 brother哥哥,弟弟 come来 some一些 other其他的
stomach胃,肚子 Monday星期一 monkey猴子
4.[ɔ:] or组合:
or 或者;for为了;short短的,矮的;forty四十; horse马; store商店
5.[əu ] oa组合;
road 路; boat小船; coat上衣; goat山羊; soap香皂
6.[u: ] oo组合;
too也;zoo动物园;cool凉的;school学校;room房间;moon月亮;afternoon下午; spoon汤勺; kangaroo袋鼠
7.[ u ] oo组合:
8、[au] ou组合:
cloudy多云的; house房子; mouse老鼠;about大约;
mouth嘴; blouse女式衬衫 mountain大山
10、[au ] ow组合:
cow母牛; how怎样,多少; now现在; brown棕色的;
down向下 flower花
11. [əu ] ow组合:
slow慢的; know知道;
五.与元音字母 U 相关的单词:
1.[ ju: ] u在开音节中发字母音
excuse 原谅;use使用;
2.[Λ] u在闭音节中:
much 很; jump跳; run跑; sun太阳; up向上; cup小茶杯;
but但是 bus公交车; umbrella雨伞; hundred百; cut剪,切;
mum妈妈;under在……下面; underline在……下面划线;
number数字; understand理解 truck卡车
trunk象鼻 hug拥抱 duck鸭子
3.[ə: ] ur组合:
nurse护士; turn轮流; hurt伤,疼; fur皮毛
六. Y 与 I 的发音相似
在开音节中读[ai ]
sky天空; fly飞; July七月; my我的; try试,努力;
why为什么; eye眼睛; bye再见
第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:c-a ca a-t at
第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-g dog
第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-er sweater
1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds). 其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。
2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等.
3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.
4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音, 后边一个元音不发音,如: make, made, sea, five, nine, road等等.
5. 第五步, 是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如: bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如: ghost,comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和\”h\”联在一起的发音: ch, sh, th, wh。
6. 第六步,是特殊读法:
单音节词,以元音结尾, 这个元音发字母音. 如: me, hi, go 等等
Irregular: ar (car), ay(hay, may, say), igh (high, night, might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur(burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy(boy), ow等有其特别的发音.\”c\” 和 \”k\” 在一起时, 发一个音: quick, black等.
a , e, i , o, u, a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e
Aa : mat map bag cat hat fan bat apple
Ee: egg well red pen net hen bed bell
Ii: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill
Oo: ox on octopus box sock operate ostrich
Uu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under
cape name tape lake game make take hate
these Japanese Chinese
bite five nine kite mine nice ride side
rose nose rope note pose home rode those
tube cube June cute huge
ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, ie, igh, oa, ow, ui, ue
ai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maid
ay: bay ray way say hay pay May lay
ee: reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teeth
ea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea
ey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolley
ie: tie pie lie die
igh: right sight night tight hight fight high sigh
oa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soap
ow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low
ui: suit juice fruit
ue: Sue blue glue true
ar, er, ir, ur, or
ar: arm car armchair card cart farm park garden
er: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker mother
ir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girl
ur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurse
or: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork
ou, ow, oi, oy, au, aw, oo, oo, ea
ou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouse
ow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower
oi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coil
oy: oyster boy cowboy soy toy
au: august sause sausage naughty autumn applause
aw: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawn
oo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolish
oo: book cook good foot look hook
ea: head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather feather
ch, sh, wh, ph, th, th, kn, wr, mb
ch: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherry
sh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovel
wh: whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheel chair whisper
ph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabet
th: brother feather leather father mother
th: thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teeth
kn: knob knee knife knock knit
wr: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath write
mb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb
bl, fl, pl, cl, gl, br, cr, gr, pr, fr, tr, dr
bl: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hair
fl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flower
pl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plant
cl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown
gl: glove globe glass glue glasses glider
br: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother
cr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissant
gr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandma
pr: prixe price prawn press prince princess pray
fr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frame
tr: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolley
dr: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink
sm, sn, sl, sw, sp, st , sc, sk, all, ew, y
sm: smile small smell smoke smooth
sn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snack
sl: slow slap sleep slide slope sled
sw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweat
sp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spell
st: stockings store star stamp storm stick student stand
sc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoop
sk: skunk skis skirt skates
all: call tall fall ball wall
ew: dew few view hew new nephew newspaper
y: sky fly dry spy type shy cry my
Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby
Tongue twister
1.A big black bear sat on a big black bug.
2.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!
3.Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.
4.A fat cat catches a mad rat.
5.Blue glue gun, green glue gun.
6.Black background, brown background.
7.A noisy noise annoys an oyster.
8.A good cook can cook good cookies.
9.At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool.Oh! How cool, how cool.
10.The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.
11. Betty better butter Brad\’s bread.
12.Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
13.The first is the first.The third is the third.The third can be the first, The first can be the third.
14.Sir, this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first, but the third.
15.A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, \”Let us fly!\” Said the fly, \”Let us flee!\” So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
16. I wish you were a fish in my dish.
17.Jean\’s three sheep are near the green jeep.
18.There are thirty -three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird\’s throat.
19.Neither father nor mother likes this weather.
20.It’s a goat,sitting in a boat,wearing a coat and writing a note.It’s a bear,sitting on a chair,holding a pear and combing its hair.It’s a cock,sitting on a rock,wearing a sock and looking at a clock.It’s a fly,wearing a tie,holding a pie and waving good bye.
International Organisations of the Flavour Industry 香精法规组织
UN FAO 联合国粮农组织/WHO 世界卫生组织= CAC 食品法规委员会
CCFA (Codex Committee on Food Additives) 食品添加剂委员会
IOFI (International Organization of the Flavour Industry) 食品香料工业国际组织 COE (Council of Europe) CoE或CE 欧洲理事会与食品香料专家委员会
US FDA:Food and Drug Administration 美国食品和药物管理局
FEMA:Flavor and Extract Manufactures Association of the United States
例如: FEMA :2325 丁香叶油Clove leaf oil (Eugenia spp.)
GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) 通常认定为安全/一般认为安全
FCC:Food Chemicals Codex 食品化学品法典
FDA:Food and Drug Administration 美国食品和药物管理局
例如:N001 丁香叶油Clove leaf oil (Eugenia spp.)
*(国际大公司)在调配xx香精只使用FEMA/GRAS 原料
丁香叶油Clove leaf oil (Eugenia spp.)N001 FEMA :2325
丁香花蕾酊(提取物)Clove bud tincture (extract) (Eugenia spp.)N002FEMA :2322
丁香花蕾油Clove bud oil (Eugenia spp.)N003FEMA :2323
罗勒油Basil oil (Ocimum basilicum L.)N004FEMA :2119
八角茴香油Anise star oil (Illicium verum Hook,F.)N005 FEMA :2096
九里香浸膏Common Jasmin orange concrete (Murraya paniculata)N006FEMA :—
广藿香油Patchouli oil (Pogostemon cablin)N007FEMA :2838
万寿菊油Tagetes oil (Tagetes spp.)N008FEMA :3040
大茴香脑trans-Anethole Anise camphorN009FEMA :2086
小豆蔻油Cardamom oil (Elletaria cardamomum)N010FEMA :2241
小豆蔻酊Cardamom tincture(Elletaria cardamomum)N011 FEMA :2240
小茴香酊Fennel tincture (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)N012 FEMA :—
山苍籽油Litsea cubeba berry oilN013 FEMA :3846
山楂酊Hawthorn fruit tincture (Crataegus spp.)N014 FEMA :—
大蒜油Garlic oil (Allium sativum L.)N015 FEMA :2503
大蒜油树脂Garlic oleoresin (Allium sativum L.)N016FEMA :—
天然康酿克油Cognac oil, greenN017FEMA :2331
天然薄荷脑l-Menthol, naturalN018FEMA :2665
云木香油Costus root oil (Saussures lappa Clanke)N019FEMA :2336
月桂叶油Bay, sweet, oil (Laurus nobilis L.)N020FEMA :2125
乌梅酊Wumei tincture (Prunus mume)N021FEMA :—
布枯叶油Buchu leaves oil (Barosma spp.)N022FEMA :2169
可可酊Cocoa tincture (Theobroma cacao Linn.)N023FEMA :—
可可壳酊Cocoa husk tincture (Theobroma cacao Linn.)N024FEMA :—
甘松油China nardostachys oil (Nardostachys chinensis Batal.)N025 FEMA : —
甘草酊Licorice tincture (Glycyrrhiza spp.)N026 FEMA :2628
甘草流浸膏Licorice extract (Glycyrrhiza spp.)N027 FEMA :2628
冬青油Wintergreen oil (Gaultheria procumbens L.)N028FEMA :3113
白兰花油Michelia alba flower oilN029FEMA :3950
白兰叶油Michelia alba leaf oilN030FEMA :3950
白兰花净油Michelia alba flower absoluteN031FEMA :3950
白兰花浸膏Michelia alba flower concreteN032 FEMA :3950
白芷酊Angelica dahurica tinctureN033 FEMA :—
白柠檬油Lime oil [Citrus aurantifolia (Christman) Swingle]N034FEMA :2631
白柠檬萜烯Lime oil terpeneN035FEMA :—
生姜油树脂Ginger oleoresin (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)N036FEMA :2523
肉豆蔻油Nutmeg oil (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)N037FEMA :2793
肉豆蔻酊Nutmeg tincture (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)N038FEMA :—
中国肉桂油Cassia oil (Cinnamomum cassia Blume)N039FEMA :2258
中国肉桂皮酊(提取物)Cassia bark tincture (extract) (Cinnamomum cassia Blume)N040FEMA :2257
红茶酊Black tea tincture (Camellia sinensis)N041FEMA :—
印蒿油Davana oil (Artemisia pallens Wall.)N042FEMA :2359
吐鲁酊(提取物)Tolu balsam tincture (extract) (Myroxylon spp.)N043FEMA :3069
吐鲁香膏Tolu balsam gum (Myroxylon spp.)N044FEMA :3070
豆豉酊Soya bean fermented tinctureN045FEMA :—
杜松籽油(又名刺柏子油)Juniper berry oil (Juniperus communis L.)N046FEMA :2604
芫荽籽油Coriander oil (Coriandrum sativum L.)N047FEMA :2334
芹菜花油Celery flower oil (Apium graveolens L.)N048FEMA :—
芹菜籽油Celery seed oil (Apium graveolens L.)N049FEMA :2271
牡荆叶油Vitex cannabifolia leaf oilN050FEMA :—
圆柚油Grapefruit oil, expressed (Citrus paradisi Mact.)N051FEMA :2530
苍术脂(又名苍术硬脂,苍术油)Atractylodes oil(Atractylodes lancea)N052FEMA :—
枣子酊Chinese date (common Jujube) tincture (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)N053FEMA :—
玫瑰油Rose oil (Rosa spp.)N054FEMA :2989
玫瑰净油Rose absolute (Rosa spp.)N055FEMA :2988
玫瑰浸膏Rose concrete (Rosa spp.)N056FEMA :—
鸢尾浸膏Orris concrete (Iris florentina L.)N057FEMA :2829
鸢尾脂(又名鸢尾凝脂)Orris root extract (Iris florentina L.)N058FEMA :2830
杭白菊花油Chrysanthemum Hang Zhou flower oil (Dendranthema morifolium or Chrysanthemum morifolium)N059FEMA :—
杭白菊花浸膏(又名杭菊花流浸膏)Chrysanthemum Hang Zhou flower extract (Dendranthema morifolium or Chrysanthemum morifolium)N060FEMA :4689
枫槭油Maple oil (Acer spp.)N061FEMA :—
枫槭浸膏Maple concrete (Acer spp.)N062 FEMA :—
岩蔷薇浸膏(又名赖百当浸膏)Labdanum extract(Cistus ladaniferus)N063FEMA :2610
咖啡酊Coffee tincture (Coffee spp.)N064FEMA :—
罗汉果酊Luohanfruit tincture [Siraitia grosvenorii (Swingle) C.Jeffrey]N065FEMA :—
金合欢浸膏Cassie concrete (Acacia farnesiana Willd.)N066FEMA :—
依兰依兰油Ylang ylang oil (Cananga odorata Hook.f.and Thomas)N067FEMA :3119
大花茉莉净油Jasminum grandiflorum absoluteN068FEMA :2598
大花茉莉浸膏Jasminum grandiflorum concreteN069FEMA :2599
小花茉莉净油Jasminum sambac absoluteN070 FEMA :—
小花茉莉浸膏Jasminum sambac concreteN071FEMA :—
佛手油Sarcodactylis oil (Citrus medica var.Sarcodactylis Swingle)N072FEMA :3899
圆叶当归根酊(又名独活酊)Angelica root tincture (extract) (Angelica archangelica L.)N073FEMA :2087
洋葱油Onion oil (Allium cepa L.)N074FEMA :2817
生姜油Ginger oil (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)N075FEMA :2522
姜黄油Turmeric oil (Curcuma longa L.)N076 FEMA :3085
姜黄油树脂Turmeric oleoresin (Curcuma longa L.)N077FEMA :3087
姜黄浸膏Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa L.)N078FEMA :3086
葫芦巴酊Fenugreek tincture (extract) (Trigonella foenum graecum L.)N079 FEMA :2485
玳玳花油Daidai flower oil(Citrus aurantium L.‘Daidai’)N080FEMA :2771
玳玳花浸膏Daidai flower concrete(Citrus aurantium L.‘Daidai’)N081FEMA :2771
玳玳果油Daidai fruit oil(Citrus aurantium L.‘Daidai’)N082FEMA :2771
柚皮油Pummelo peel oil [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck]N083FEMA :—
柏木叶油(北美香柏)Cedar leaf oil (Thuja occidentalis L.)N084FEMA :2267
枯茗籽油(又名孜然油)Cumin seed oil (Cuminum cyminum L.)N085FEMA :2343
柠檬油Lemon oil [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.]N086FEMA :2625
无萜柠檬油Lemon oil, terpeneless [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.]N087FEMA :2626
柠檬油萜烯Terpenes of lemon oilN088FEMA :—
柠檬叶油Petitgrain lemon oil [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.]N089FEMA :2853
柠檬草油Lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus DC. and C. flexuosus)N090FEMA :2624
栀子花浸膏Gardenia flower concrete (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)N091FEMA :—
树兰花油Aglaia odorata flower oilN092 FEMA :—
树兰花酊Aglaia odorata flower tinctureN093FEMA :—
树兰花浸膏Aglaia odorata flower concreteN094FEMA :—
树苔净油Treemoss absolute (Evernia furfuraceae)N095FEMA :—
树苔浸膏Treemoss concrete (Evernia furfuraceae)N096FEMA :—
香叶油(又名玫瑰香叶油)Geranium oil (geranium rose oil) (Pelargonium graveolens L\’Her)N097FEMA :2508
除萜香叶油Geranium oil terpenelessN098FEMA :2508
香风茶油(又名香茶菜油)Xiang Feng cha oil(Rabdosia spp.)N099FEMA :—
香柠檬油Bert oil (Citrus aurantium L.subsp. bergamia)N101FEMA :2153
香根油Vertiver oil (Vetiveria zizanioides Nash.)N102FEMA :—
香根浸膏Vertiver concrete (Vetiveria zizanioides Nash.)N103FEMA :—
香荚兰豆酊Vanilla bean tincture (Vanilla spp.)N104FEMA :3105
香荚兰豆浸膏(提取物)Vanilla bean concrete (extract) (Vanilla spp.)N105FEMA :3105
香附子油Cyperus oil (Cupressus sempervirens)N106FEMA :—
香葱油Chives oil (Allium schoenoprasum)N107FEMA :—
香紫苏油Clary sage oil (Salvia sclarea L.)N108FEMA :2321
香榧子壳浸膏Torreya grandis shell concreteN109FEMA :—
橘子油Mandarin oil (Citrus reticulata Blanco)N110FEMA :2657
除萜橘子油Mandarin oil, terpenelessN111FEMA :—
酒花酊Hops tincture (extract) (Humulus lupulus L.)N112FEMA :2578
酒花浸膏Hops extract,solid (Humulus lupulus L.)N113FEMA :2579
桉叶油(蓝桉油)Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus globulus Labille)N114FEMA :2466
海狸酊Castoreum tincture (extract) (Castor spp.)N115FEMA :2261
斯里兰卡肉桂皮油Cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum spp.)N116FEMA :2291
斯里兰卡肉桂叶油Cinnamon leaf oil (Cinnamomum spp.)N117FEMA :2292
桂花净油Osmanthus fragrans flower absoluteN118FEMA :3750
桂花酊Osmanthus fragrans flower tinctureN119FEMA :—
桂花浸膏Osmanthus fragrans flower concreteN120 FEMA :—
桂圆酊Longan tincture (Euphoria longana)N121FEMA : —
留兰香油Spearmint oil (Mentha spicata)N122FEMA :3032
核桃壳提取物Walnut hull extract (Juglans spp.)N123FEMA :3111
素方花净油Common white jasmine flower absolute (Jasminum officinale L.)N124FEMA :—
桦Birch sweet oil (Betula lenta L.)N125FEMA :2154
蚕豆花酊Broad bean flower tincture (Vicia faba Linn.)N126FEMA :—
绿茶酊Green tea tincture(Thea sinensis or Camellia sinensis)N127FEMA :—
野玫瑰浸膏Wild rose concrete (Rosa multiflora)N128FEMA :—
甜小茴香油Fennel oil, sweet (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. dulce D.C.)N129FEMA :2483
甜叶菊油Stevia rebaudiana oilN130 FEMA :—
甜橙油Orange oil [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]N131FEMA :2821
除萜甜橙油Orange oil, terpeneless [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]N132FEMA :2822
甜橙油萜烯Terpenes of orange oilN133FEMA :—
菊苣浸膏Chicory concrete (extract) (Cichorium intybus L.)N134FEMA :2280
晚香玉浸膏Tuberose concrete (Polianthes tuberosa)N135FEMA :—
紫罗兰叶浸膏Violet leaf concrete (Viola odorata)N136FEMA :3110
椒样薄荷油Peppermint oil (Mentha piperita L.)N137FEMA :2848
黑加仑酊Black currant tincture (Ribes nigrum L.)N138FEMA :2346
黑加仑浸膏Black currant concrete (Ribes nigrum L.)N1392346
槐树花净油Sophora japonica flower absoluteN140FEMA :—
槐树花浸膏Sophora japonica flower concreteN141FEMA :—
辣椒酊Capsicum tincture (extract) (Capsicum spp.)N142FEMA :2233
辣椒油树脂(又名灯笼辣椒油树脂)Paprika oleoresin (Capsicum annuum L.)N143FEMA :2834
愈疮木油Guaiac wood oil (Bulnesia sarmienti Lor.)N144FEMA :2534
缬草油Valerian root oil (Valeriana officinalis L.)N145FEMA :3100
墨红花净油Rose crimsonglory flower absoluteN146FEMA :—
墨红花浸膏Rose crimsonglory flower concreteN147FEMA :—
橙叶油Petitgrain bigarade oil (Citrus aurantium L.)N149FEMA :2855
亚洲薄荷油Mentha arvensis oil (Cornmint oil)N150FEMA :4219
亚洲薄荷素油Mentha arvensis oil, partially dementholized N151FEMA :—
檀香油Sandalwood oil (Santalum album L.)N152FEMA :3005
薰衣草油Lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia)N153FEMA :2622
头状百里香油(又名西班牙牛至油)Origanum oil (Thymus capitatus)N154FEMA :2828
可乐果提取物Kolas nut extract (Cola acuminate Schott et EndL.)N155FEMA :2607
加州胡椒油Schinus molle oil (Schinus molle L.)N156FEMA :3018
卡黎皮油Cascarilla bark oil (Croton spp.)N157FEMA :2255
百里香油Thyme oil (Thymus vulgaris or zigis L.)N158FEMA :3064
奶油发酵起子蒸馏物(黄油蒸馏物)Butter starters distillateN159FEMA :2173
卡南伽油Cananga oil (Cananga odorata Hook. F. and Thoms)N160FEMA :2232
月桂叶提起物/油树脂Laurel leaves extract/oleoresin (Laurus nobilis L.)N161FEMA :2613
生姜提取物(生姜浸膏)Ginger extract (Ginger concrete.) ( Zingiber officinale)N162FEMA :2521
白栎木屑提取物Oak chips extract (Quercus alba L.)N163FEMA :2794
龙蒿油Estragon oil (Artemisia dracunculus L.)N164FEMA :2412
白樟油Camphor oil, white (Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl)N165FEMA :2231
肉豆蔻衣油Mace oil (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)N166FEMA :2653
众香叶油Pimento leaf oil (Pimenta officinalis Lindl.)N167FEMA :2901
西班牙鼠尾草油Sage oil, Spanish (Salvia lavandulaefolia VahL.)N168FEMA :3003
红桔油Tangerine oil (Citrus reticulata Blanco)N169FEMA :3041
杂薰衣草油Lavandin oil (Lavandula hydrida)N170FEMA :2618
杏仁油Apricot Kernel oil (Prunus armeniaca L.)N171FEMA :2105
苏合香油Styrax oil (Liquidambar spp.)N172FEMA :—
苏合香提取物Styrax extract (Liquidambar spp.)N173FEMA :3037
长角豆油Locust bean oil (Ceratonia siliqua L.)N174FEMA :—
角豆提取物Carob bean extract (Ceratonia siliqua L.)N175FEMA :2243
皂树皮提取物Quillaia (Quillaja saponaria Molina)N176FEMA :2973
乳香油Olibanum oil (Boswellia spp.)N177FEMA :2816
没药油Myrrh oil (Commiphora spp.)N178FEMA :2766
良姜根提取物Galangal root extract (Alpinia spp.)N179FEMA :2499
苏格兰松油Pine oil, scotch (Pinus sylvestris L.)N180FEMA :2906
小茴香油(又名普通小茴香油)Fennel oil, (common) (Foeniculum vulgare Mill)N181FEMA :2481
苦杏仁油Almond oil, bitter (Prunus amygdalus)N182FEMA :2046
阿魏油Asafoetida oil (Ferula asafoetida L.)N183FEMA :2108
金合欢净油Cassie absolute[Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.]N184FEMA :2260
欧芹叶油Parsley leaf oil (Petroselinum crispum)N185FEMA :2836
松针油Pine needle oil (Abies spp.)N186FEMA :2905
波罗尼花净油Boronia absolute (Boronia megastigma Nees)N187FEMA :2167
玫瑰木油Bois de rose oil (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke)N188FEMA :2156
玫瑰草油Palmarosa oil [Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) Stapf]N189FEMA :2831
香茅油Citronella oil (Cymbopogon nardus Rendle)N190FEMA :2308
迷迭香油Rosemary oil (Rosemarinus officinalis L.)N191FEMA :2992
香脂冷杉油Balsam fir oil (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.)N1EMA :2114
香脂冷杉油树脂Balsam fir oleoresin[Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.]N193FEMA :2115
胡萝卜籽油Carrot seed oil (Daucus carota L.)N194FEMA :2244
春黄菊花油(罗马)Chamomile flower oil (Roman) (Anthemis nobilis L.)N195FEMA :2275
春黄菊花净油(提取物)(罗马)Chamomile flower absolute (extract) (Roman) (Anthemis nobilis L.)N196FEMA :2274
药鼠李提取物Cascara bitterless extract (Rhamnus purshiana DC.)N197FEMA :2253
荜澄茄油Cubeb oil (Piper cubeba L.f.)N198FEMA :2339
胡薄荷油(又名唇萼薄荷油)Pennyroyal oil (Mentha pulegium L.)N199FEMA :2839
欧当归油Lovage oil (Levisticum officinale Koch.)N200FEMA :2651
夏至草提取物Horehound extract (Marrubium vulgare L.)N201FEMA :2581
莫哈弗丝兰提取物Yucca mohave extract (Yucca spp.)N202FEMA :3121
海草(藻)提取物Kelp (Laminaria and Kereocystis spp.)N203FEMA :2606
海索草油Hyssop oil (Hyssopus officinalis L.)N204FEMA :2591
莳萝草油(又名莳萝油)Dill herb oil (Anethum graveolens)N205FEMA :2383
秘鲁香脂Balsam peru (Myroxylon pereirae Klotzsch)N206FEMA :2116
格蓬油Galbanum oil (Ferula galbaniflua)N207FEMA :2501
脂檀油Amyris oil (Amyris balsamifera L.)N208FEMA :—
银白金合欢净油(又名含羞草净油)Mimosa absolute (Acacia decurrens Will. Var. dealbata)N209FEMA :2755
接骨木花净油Elder flower absolute (Sambucus canadensis L. and S.nigra L.)N210FEMA :—
甘牛至油Marjoram oil, sweet [Majorana hortensis Moench (Origanum majorana L.)]N211FEMA :2663
黄龙胆根提取物Gentian root extract (Gentiana lutea L.)N212FEMA :2506
黄葵籽油Ambrette seed oil (Hibiscus abelmoschus L.)N213FEMA :2051
野黑樱桃树皮提取物Cherry bark extract (wild) (Prunus serotina Ehrh.)N214FEMA :2276
黑胡椒油Pepper oil, black (Piper nigrum L.)N215FEMA :2845
葛缕籽油Caraway seed oil (Carum carvi L.)N216FEMA :2238
榄香香树脂Elemi resinoid (Canarium ssp.)N217FEMA :2407
蜡菊提取物Immortelle extract (Helichrysum angustifolium DC.)N218FEMA :2592
蜜蜂花油Balm oil (Melissa officinalis L.)N219FEMA :2113
d-樟脑d-CamphorN220FEMA :2230
橙花净油Orange flower absolute (Citrus aurantium L. subsp. amara)N221FEMA :2818
柚苷(柚皮甙)提取物Naringin extract (Citrus paradisi Macf.)N222 FEMA : 2769
穗薰衣草油Spike lavender oil (Lavandula latifolia L.)N223FEMA :3033
鹰爪豆净油Genet absolute (Spartium junceum L.)N224FEMA :2504
玳玳果皮油Daidai peel oil(Citrus aurantium L.‘Daidai’)N225FEMA :3823
甜橙油(橙皮压榨法)Orange oil, sweet, cold pressed [Citrus sinensis (L.) osbeck]N226FEMA :2825
小米辣椒油树脂Bush red pepper oleoresin (Capsicum frutescens L.)N227FEMA :2234
丁香茎油Clove stem oil (Eugenia spp.)N228FEMA :2328
大茴香油(又名茴芹油)Anise oil (Pimpinella anisum L.)N229 FEMA :2094
l-天冬酰胺l-AsparagineN230FEMA :—
巴拉圭茶净油/提取物Mate absolute/extract (Ilex paraguariensis St.Hil.)N231FEMA :—
白山核桃树皮提取物Hickory bark extract (Carya spp.)N232FEMA :2577
瓜拉纳提取物Guarana extract (Paullinia cupana HBK)N233FEMA :2536
白百里香油Thyme oil, white (Thymus zygis L.)N235FEMA :3065
白胡椒油Pepper oil, white (Piper nigrum L.)N236FEMA :2851
白胡椒油树脂Pepper oleoresin, white (Piper nigrum L.)N237FEMA :2852
白康酿克油Cognac oil, whiteN238FEMA :2332
白脱酯Butter estersN239FEMA :2172
白脱酸Butter acidsN240 FEMA :2171
众香果油Pimenta oil (Pimenta officinalis)N241 FEMA :2018
安息香树脂Benzoin resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis Pierre)N242FEMA :2133
当归籽油Angelica seed oil (Angelica archanglica L.)N243FEMA :2090
当归根油Angelica root oil (Angelica archangelica L.)N244FEMA :2088
肉豆蔻衣油树脂/提取物Mace oleoresin/extract (Myristica fragrans Houtt)N245FEMA :2654
西印度月桂叶提取物Bay leaves,west Indian, extract (Pimenta acris kostel)N246FEMA :2121
西印度月桂叶油Bay leaves, West Indian, oil (Pimenta acris kostel)N247FEMA :2122
L-阿拉伯糖(原名称为l-阿戊糖)L-ArabinoseN248FEMA :3255
阿拉伯胶Arabic gumN249FEMA :2001
欧当归提取物Lovage extract (Levisticum officinale Koch)N250FEMA :2650
欧芹油树脂Parsley oleoresin (Petroselinum spp.)N251FEMA :2837
油酸Oleic acidN252FEMA :2815
苦木提取物Quassia extract (Picrasma excelsa (sw.) planch. Quassia amara L.)N253FEMA :2971
苦橙叶净油Orange leaf absolute (Citrus aurantium L.)N254FEMA :2820
金鸡纳树皮Cinchona bark (yellow) (Cinchona spp.)N256FEMA :2283
金钮扣油树脂Jambu oleoresin (Spilanthes acmelia oleracea)N257FEMA :3783
奎宁盐酸盐Quinine hydrochlorideN258FEMA :2976
枯茗油Cumin oil (Cuminum cyminum L.)N259FEMA :2340
洋葱油树脂Onion oleoresin (Allium cepa L.)N260FEMA :—
茶树油(又名互叶白千层油)Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)N261FEMA :3902
除萜白柠檬油Lime oil, expressed terpeneless (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle)N262FEMA :2632
除萜甜橙皮油Orange peel oil, sweet, terpeneless (Citrus sinensis L.Osbeck)N2632826
黄芥末提取物/黄芥末油树脂Mustard extract/oleoresin, yellow (Brassica spp.)N265FEMA :—
棕芥末提取物Mustard extract, brown (Brassica spp.)N266FEMA :—
焦木酸Pyroligneous acidN267FEMA :2967
紫苏油Perilla leaf oil (Shiso oil) (Perilla frutescens)N268FEMA :4013
葡萄柚油萜烯Grapefruit oil terpenes (Citrus paradisi Macf)N269FEMA :—
黑胡椒油树脂/黑胡椒提取物Pepper oleoresin/extract, black (Piper nigrum L.)N270FEMA :2846
榄香油/提取物/香树脂Elemi oil/extract/ resinoid (Canarium cimmune or Iuzonicum Miq)N271FEMA :2408
蜂蜡净油Beeswax absolute (Apis mellifera L.)N272FEMA :2126
赖百当净油(又名岩蔷薇净油)Labdanum absolute (Cistus spp.)N273FEMA :2608
鼠尾草油(又名药鼠尾草油)Sage oil (Salvia officinalis L.)N274FEMA :3001
蜡菊净油Helichrysum absolute (Helichrysum augustifolium)N275FEMA :—
糖蜜提取物Molasses extractN276FEMA :—
檀香醇(α-, β-)Santalol, α- and β-N277FEMA :3006
山达草流浸膏Yerba santa fluid extract [Eriodictyon californicum (Hook and Arn) Torr]N278FEMA :3118
苜蓿提取物Alfalfa extract (Medicago sativa L.)N279FEMA :2013
众香子油树脂/提取物Allspice oleoresin/extract (Pimenta officinalis Lindl.)N281FEMA :2019
黄葵籽净油Ambrette seed absolute (Hibiscus abelmoschus L.)N282FEMA :2050
秘鲁香膏油Balsam oil, Peru (Myroxylon pereirae Klotzsch)N283FEMA :2117
罗勒提取物Basil extract (Ocimum basilicum L.)N284FEMA :2120
芹菜籽提取物(固体)Celery seed extract solid (Apium graveolens L.)N285FEMA :2269
芹菜籽(CO2)提取物Celery seed (CO2) Extract (Apium graveolens L.)N286FEMA :2270
母菊(匈牙利春黄菊)花油Chamomile flower oil (Hungarian) (Matricaria chamomilla L.)N287 FEMA :2273
黄色金鸡纳树皮提取物Cinchona bark extract (yellow) (Cinchona spp.)N288 FEMA :2284
丁香花蕾油树脂Clove bud oleoresin (Eugenia spp.)N289FEMA :2324
红三叶草提取物(固体)Clover tops red extract solid (Trifolium pratense L.)N2902FEMA :326
蒲公英流浸膏Dandelion fluid extract (Taraxacum spp.)N291FEMA :2357
蒲公英根固体提取物Dandelion root solid extract (Taraxacum spp.)N2EMA :2358
加拿大飞蓬草油Fleabane oil(Erigeron canadensis)N293FEMA :2409
穗花槭提取物(固体)Mountain maple extract solid (Acer spicatum Lam.)N294FEMA :2757
芸香油Rue oil (Ruta graveolens L.)N295 FEMA :2995
鼠尾草油树脂/提取物Sage oleoresin/extract (Salvia officinalis L.)N296FEMA :3002
菝葜提取物Sarsaparilla extract (Smilax spp.)N297FEMA :3009
水蒸气蒸馏松节油Turpentine, steam-distilled (Pinus spp.)N298FEMA :3089
缬草根提取物Valerian root extract (Valeriana officinalis L.)N299FEMA :3099
香荚兰油树脂Vanilla oleoresin (Vanilla fragrans)N300FEMA :3106
紫罗兰叶净油Violet leaves absolute (Viola odorata L.)N301FEMA :3110
洋艾油Wormwood oil (Artemisia absinthium L.)N302 FEMA :3116
玫瑰茄Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)N303FEMA :—
橘柚油Tangelo oilN304FEMA :—
晚香玉净油Tuberose absolute (Polianthes tuberosa L.)N305FEMA :—
美国栗树叶提取物Chestnut leaves extract [Castanea dentate (Marsh.) Borkh.]N306FEMA :—
古巴香脂油Copaiba oil (South American spp. of Copaifera)N307FEMA :—
达迷草叶Damiana leaves (Turnera diffusa Willd.)N308FEMA :—
母菊(匈牙利春黄菊)花净油Chamomile flower absolute (Hungarian) (Matricaria chamomilla L.)N309FEMA :—
接骨木花提取物Elder flowers extract (Sambucus canadensis L. and S. nigra L.)N310FEMA :—
防风根油(又名没药油)Opoponax oil (Commiphora ssp.)N311FEMA :—
藏红花提取物Saffron extract (Crocus sativus L.)N312FEMA :2999
香叶提取物Geranium extract (Pelargonlium spp.)N313FEMA :—
葫芦巴油树脂Fenugreek oleoresin (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)N314FEMA :2486
柠檬提取物Lemon extract[Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.]N315FEMA :2623
德国鸢尾树脂Orris resinoid (Iris germanical L.)N316FEMA :—
罗望子提取物(浸膏)Tamarind extract (Tamarindus indica L.)N317 FEMA : —
辣根油Horseradish oil (Armoracia lapathifolia Gilib)N318FEMA :—
葫芦巴籽浸膏Fenugreek seed extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)N319FEMA :2485
芹菜叶油Celery leaf oil (Apium graveolens L.)N320 FEMA :—
柏木油萜烯Cedarwood oil terpenesN321FEMA :—
肉豆蔻油树脂Nutmeg oleoresin (Myristica fragrans Houtt)N322FEMA :—
芫荽油/油树脂Coriander oil/oleoresin (Coriandrum sativum L.)N324 FEMA :2334
葫芦巴Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)N325FEMA :2484
韭葱油Leek oil (Allium porrum)N326FEMA :—
甜橙皮提取物Orange peel extract, sweet [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]N327FEMA :2824
香橙皮油Citrus junos peel oilN329FEMA :2318
海藻净油Algues absoluteN330FEMA :—
墨西哥鼠尾草油树脂(又名棘枝油树脂)(原名称为墨西哥牛至油树脂)Oregano oleoresin (Lippia spp.)N331FEMA :2827
甘草酸胺Glycyrrhizin, ammoniated (Glycyrrhiza spp.)N332FEMA :2528
冬香草油Savory winter oil (Satureja montana L.)N333FEMA :3016
安息香Styrax (Liquidambar spp.)N334FEMA :3036
阿魏液态提取物(流浸膏)Asafoetida fluid extract (Ferula assafoetida L.)N335FEMA :2106
桃树叶净油Peach tree leaf absolute (Prunus persica L.Batsch)N336FEMA :—
白藓牛至Dittany of crete (Origanum dictamnus L.)N337FEMA :2399
酒花油Hops oil (Humulus lupulus L.)N338FEMA :2580
赖百当油Labdanum oil (Cistus ladaniferus)N339FEMA :2609
薰衣草净油Lavender absolute (Lavandula angustidolia)N340FEMA :2620
没药树脂提取物Opoponax extract resinoid (Commiphora ssp.)N341FEMA :—
花椒提取物Ash bark, prickly, extract (Xanthoxylum spp.)N342FEMA :2110 4754
蓖麻油Castor oil (Ricinus communis)N343FEMA :2263
儿茶粉Catechu powder (Acacia catechu Willd.)N344FEMA :2265
苦艾Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.)N345FEMA :3114
苦橙花油Neroli bigarade oil (Citrus aurantium L.)N346FEMA :2771
达瓦树胶Ghatti gum (Anogeissus latifolia Wall.)N347FEMA :2519
苦艾提取物Wormwood extract (Artemisia absinthium L.)N348FEMA :3115
刺柏提取物Juniper extract (Juniperus communis L.)N349FEMA :2603
甘草提取物(粉)Licorice extract powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)N350FEMA :2629
甜菜碱(天然提取)Betaine (Natural Extract)N351FEMA :4223
松Pine tar oil (Pinus spp.)N352FEMA :2907
橡苔净油Oakmoss absolute(Evernia spp.)N353FEMA :2795
苏格兰留兰香油Scotch spearmint oil (Mentha cardiaca L.)N354FEMA :4221
海索草提取物(又名神香草提取物)Hyssop extract (Hyssopus officinalis L.)N355FEMA :2590
安古树皮提取物Angostura extract (Galipea offincinalis Hancock)N356FEMA :2092
德国春黄菊花(母菊花)提取物Chamomile (German) extract (Matricaria chamomilla L.)N357FEMA :—
石榴果汁浓缩物Pomegranate concentrateN358FEMA :—
L-苏氨酸L-ThreonineN359FEMA :4710
L-丝氨酸L-SerineN360FEMA :—
灵猫净油Civet absolute (Viverra civetta Schreber V. zibetha Schreber)Civetabsolute(Viverracivetta SchreberV. zibetha Schreber)N361FEMA :2319
胭脂树提取物Annatto extract (Bixa orellana L.)N362FEMA :2103
卡黎皮提取物Cascarilla bark extract (Croton spp.)N363FEMA :2254
肉桂皮油/油树脂Cinnanon bark oil/oleoresin (Cinnamomaum spp.)N364FEMA :2290
刺梧桐树胶Karaya gum (Sterculia urens)N365FEMA :2605
橘叶油Petitgrain mandarin oil (Citrus reticulate Blanco var. mandarin)N366FEMA :2854
欧洲山松针叶油Pine needle oil, dwarf, oil (Pinus mugo turra var. pumilio (Haenke) Zenari)N367FEMA :2904
玫瑰果籽提取物Rose hips extract (Rosa spp.)N368FEMA :2990
夏香草油Savory summer oil (Satureja hortensis L.)N369FEMA :3013
加拿大细辛油Snakeroot oil, Canadian (Asarum canadense L.)N370FEMA :3023
单宁酸Tannic acidN371FEMA :3042
黄蓍胶Tragacanth gum (Astragalus spp.)N372FEMA :3079 、
甘牛至油树脂/提取物Marjoram oleoresin/extract [Majorana hortensis Moench (Origanum majorana L.)]N373FEMA :2659
摩洛哥豆蔻提取物Grains of paradise extract[Aframomum melegueta (Rosc.) K. Schum]N374FEMA :2529
橙皮素HesperetinN375FEMA :4313
根皮素PhloretinN376FEMA :4390
芝麻(CO2)提取物Sesame CO2extract N377 FEMA :—
芝麻蒸馏物Sesame dist.N378FEMA :—
干制鲣鱼(CO2)提取物Katsuobushi CO2 exractN379FEMA :—
郎姆酒净油Rum absoluteN380FEMA :—
豆豉油树脂Toushi oleoresin (Douchi oleoresin)N381FEMA :—
药蜀葵Althea root (Althea officinalis L.)N382FEMA :2048
香蜂草Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)N383FEMA :2111
白千层油Cajeput oil (Melaleuca cajuputi Powell)N384FEMA :2225
玉米穗丝Corn silk (Zea mays L.)N387FEMA :2335
毕澄茄Cubebs (Piper cubeba L. f.)N388FEMA :2338
芦荟提取物Aloe extract (Aloe spp.)N389FEMA :2047
龙涎香酊Ambergris tinctureN390FEMA :2049
黄葵酊Ambrette tincture (Hibiscus abelmoschus L.)N391FEMA :2052
燕根(萝藦科植物)提取物Swallowroot (Decalepis hamiltonii) extractN3EMA :4283
红枣浸膏Date concrete (Ziziphus jujuba)N393FEMA :—
高倍天然苹果香料Folded Apple EssenceN394FEMA :—
β-愈疮木烯β-Guaiene Guaia-1(5),7(11)-dieneN395FEMA :—
褐藻胶Algin (Laminaria spp. and other kelps)N396FEMA :2014
香厚壳桂皮油Massoia bark oil (Cryptocarya massoio)N397FEMA :3747
(-)-高圣草酚钠盐(-)-Homoeriodyctiol sodium saltN398FEMA :4228
酶处理异槲皮苷Isoquercitrin, enzymatically modifiedN399FEMA :4225
葡萄籽提取物Grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera)N400FEMA :4045
留兰香提取物Spearmint extract (Mentha spicata L.)N401FEMA :3031
杂醇油(精制过)Fusel oil, refinedN402FEMA :2497
第一集:胡椒和肉桂 Pepper and Cinnamon
第二集:肉豆蔻与丁香 Nutmeg and Cloves
第三集:香草与藏红花 Vanilla and Saffron